Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

I'm happy.

I have a TO DO list of things for today, and I have already accomplished one: I partially tested a convection oven I received through Freecycle back in the spring to see if it actually works.It does. It didn't come with instructions and because of previous stress, I'm still easily overwhelmed by new gadgets. But I was able to figure out the clock, timer and bake mode. My next project will be to bake chocolate chip cookies with the convection part. This may not seem like much but even the small accomplishments feel like victories to me.

Postscript: I made a half batch of choc. chip cookies and tried a baking tin of 5 cookies in the convection oven. They baked beautifully in 5 minutes as opposed to 8 to 10 minutes in a conventional oven. Yay me, I've conquered convection. This way I won't stuff myself with cookies, baking only a few at a time.

I like having/using this machine because the regular oven provided in my rented apartment doesn't have an oven light, door window or clock-timer, and this one does and will also use less electricity, keeping my electric bill lower.

I'll be running out to get today's newspaper. I don't usually buy newspapers but this issue is filled with coupons and I intend to learn to be a couponer and save money on groceries and household supplies to stretch my income further.

My next project is to unpack and organize my office (my second bedroom). I moved into my apartment October 1st and all the other rooms are reasonably settled now so that when visitors come it will look comfortable. I left my office until last because it's the room few people, but me, will see. As I unpack I'll be looking for brochures, articles, and news releases I wrote when I was doing well as a consultant. I can use them again with a few changes.

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